When I was a child, I wanted nothing more than to grow up, and be an adult.
Yes, I was rather childish, and quite silly at most times, but I wanted to grow up so badly!
I figured that once you hit a certain age, you would have this sudden awakening, and BAM! you would be filled with the wisdom that everyone around you seemed to have acquired once they were adults.
As it turns out, no, there is no awakening.
No magical moment where you know everything!
Talk about disappointing.
Alas we must venture on our own through life and learn things ourselves and have our own experiences.
May seem like a frightening thing at times.
Because for me, I know, as much as I wanted to grow up, I was also terrified of being an adult.
Bills, wars, children of your own, jobs, and other such things terrified me as a child, knowing that some day I would have to face these things on my own.
Mainly, honestly, Anne Of Green Gables was what did it, instilled that fear in me.
Harmless classic, right...
Her life goes from unfortunate circumstances, to getting better once adopted, to venturing out on her own, to being caught up in this massive war that is the final film.
I remember once watching that last film, seeing all the turmoil she was in, and how scary it all looked, and I remember saying to myself that I never wanted to grow up, out of sheer fear of being alone throughout it and having to face these things by myself.
I actually went into the dining room and cried on my Mothers shoulder about it, telling her I did not want to grow up.
It was scary!
But now, here I am, an adult in AB haha legally that is, and soon to be legally an adult in BC as well.
And yes, I am scared.
Here is where it starts to look up!
We may be eager to grow up and be on our own, or terrified of doing it alone and being an adult, but really, we are all but alone.
Just like in Anne Of Green Gables, we may seem hopelessly alone, stranded in the middle of a massive war, facing all these new challenges, but we are not alone, and neither was she.
As a child I was so wrapped up in all the bad things and scary parts of the film, I failed to recognize that Gil was there with her through the vast majority of it, and when he was not there, her hope to see him once again helped her hang on and push through.
We have someone even better than Gil to turn to and hold on to while in admists of troubles!
We have our Father, the Creator of everything!
And that God is amazing.
He is kind, sincere, and loving.
And my goodness, He must have a sense of humor.
I decided that when I learned that a Woodpecker wraps its tongue around its brain to cushion it and prevent a concussion while it smashes its face into a tree.
Pretty amusing!
Anyways, God is always there when things are challenging and frightening.
It may not seem it, but if you change your perspective, and look past the ugliness of life, and past the hurts, you will see that He is there. Always.
He promises so in Deuteronomy 31: 5-6
*Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified
because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you;
he will never leave you nor forsake you.*
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